How to Install Arzel’s Insertable Dampers
Watch Arzel’s technician show you how to install InsertaDamper and EzyFit dampers, including inserting them into the ductwork and running the plenum-rated tubing to connect each damper to the HVAC zone control panel.
These are our two most popular dampers for installing when the basement’s been drywalled and things are inaccessible. Our InsertaDamper slides in through the supply duct, so you would cut access holes that would allow you to get to the takeoffs and you’re going to insert this up through the takeoff or round elbow and it does fit through 6in elbows. Or we have our EzyFit damper that you would install through the register boot. So, you would route your tubing through the duct system, connect it up to our damper, fold it, and insert it.
With the InsertaDamper, same thing, and we have special plenum-rated tubing that you can use. It’s UL-rated for fire and smoke. Connect it up, pinch it, take it right up through the takeoff. If your hand’s like mine it’s a little bit fat, it might get stuck, but it does fit. The springs will hold the damper in place. Tubing sticks out and you can route it through a hole that you just drilled through the duct system.
Grab our reservoir, screw it to the duct, connect it up. It’s that simple.